Tag Archive: Hypocrisy

I guess God doesn’t care, this time…

Following up on my rant about the Chilean miners incident the other month, a tragedy occurred this week in New Zealand, and 29 miners lost their lives in an explosion in a coal mine.

I notice nobody is bringing God up this time (Except me, of course), whereas last time he was getting all the credit for saving the Chilean miners. Apparently, he just couldn’t be bothered to do anything for these other miners.

Either he’s looking out for us, or he isn’t, make up your fucking minds, or stop making up shit. If he’s responsible for good things, he’s responsible for bad things, too.

So, I put up an apparently “controversial and offensive” status a few nights ago, on Faceybook;

“To those who prayed for the miners in Chile; …Well done. You didn’t do jack-shit. The people who built the rescue capsules did more than your “God”.

Respect the rescuers, first and foremost. Then the survivors. They deserve the respect, not any omnipotent beings.”

Now, I didn’t see the big deal when I posted this, as it’s just basically my opinion. I didn’t really attack anybody, and I didn’t feel it was overly antagonising.

I then got a load of comments saying “Waaah! I respect your right to disbelieve, but don’t attack my God! Waaaaah!”.

So, now, me saying that there is no God is somehow offensive? Since when? It’s my opinion, why can’t I express it?

This is like me telling someone to shut up for saying “Praise God! All 33 miners made it out safely! He truly was watching over them!”, which would be utterly stupid. Though I disagree with what they are saying, I wouldn’t get all butthurt over it.

So it seems it’s fine for them to shove God in all our faces 24/7, and we can’t say anything about it, but the moment us atheists express our opinion that God isn’t there, then we’ve committed some kind of atrocity?

Doesn’t seem very fair, to me.